I feel like I am on repeat…

Life with two girls under four years old has entered a new kind of craziness…Alice loves to be helpful, which means that most of the time, she is over helpful. She is constantly trying to carry Holly or taking her hand and pulling her to where she wants her to go, not necessarily where Holly wants to go!


It’s a constant battle, Alice isn’t really doing anything wrong…she just wants her little sister to play with her. But, Holly knows her own mind and isn’t always that keen!

I feel like all day long I am saying…

“Put her down”

“Don’t pull her along”

“Careful with Holly, she is only little”

Not only is it exhausting saying it constantly all day long, I don’t really know how to stop it. It doesn’t matter how many times I sit Alice down and explain to her that she mustn’t carry Holly or pull her around, that she must let Holly do the things that she wants to do. Nothing works, ten minutes later she is doing it again.


I am at a lost…should I be discipling her for it? It doesn’t feel like she is being naughty. Alice is just wanting to either help me or play with Holly, is there really anything wrong with that?

Should I just leave her to it? What harm is she really doing, Holly isn’t being hurt. Yes, she might have a bit of a moan every now and again when Alice is pulling her along, but she isn’t screaming about it. Am I being overprotective of Holly?

They love to be together and Holly is always calling for ‘Alice’ when she is at preschool. I love to watch the bond between them changing every day as Holly gets older. Is this all just part of the relationship they have with each other? Is this the life of siblings?


I don’t know what the answer is, maybe I should try to just leave her to it for a day and see what happens. Maybe at the end of the day I won’t be so exhausted from it all and you never know if I don’t comment on it, Alice will stop doing it…yeah right, I am just kidding myself with that one!

What I do know is that those two little girls love each other and Alice is always looking out for her sister and maybe this is just a part of that. If it is then I don’t want that to stop, I want my girls to grow up looking out for each other.

It makes me think about what the future looks like, I am sure the same things will be happening over clothes and make-up…I can’t wait!


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