Living Arrows 16/52 {2017} – dear bear and beany

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran Normally for my Living Arrows photos I have lots of Holly to choose from and only a couple of Alice, with her being at school. But we are currently on our Easter holidays and I was spoilt for […]

Liked and Loved September 2017

This year I am joining in with Stevie’s Liked and Loved linky. It’s a chance for me to look back at the month and share with you what I’ve liked and loved. I didn’t share my liked and loved for August as we were on holiday and I was having a little break. Which means this month […]

Liked and Loved October 2017

This year I am joining in with Stevie’s Liked and Loved linky. It’s a chance for me to look back at the month and share with you what I’ve liked and loved. I know I say this a lot but October just flew by and I can’t believe that we are now only 2 months away from […]

Life with morning sickness….just call me Kate

It’s a normal cold January morning and I am on my way to work and suddenly I feel queasy, my head is spinning and I struggle to my desk. I think to myself ‘oh no, this must be morning sickness’….well I wish that this was all I had to deal with! Two weeks later and […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]