My Girls…October 2017

I know they say that when your child starts school the weeks flyby, but it’s crazy how quickly the last 6 weeks have gone and that my girls will be on half term in 4 days time. Not that I’m complaining I can’t wait to have them both home with me again for a week. […]

The Gift Of Time Thanks To Beko…

Before you become a parent there are lots of things that you take for granted. You almost wish you could go back and tell yourself to appreciate things more. The biggest one for me is, time. As a mum of two girls, life is busy and since Alice started school life just keeps getting busier. […]

Gift Guide For Children 5 and Over …

I’m in the middle of Christmas planning, with us hosting Christmas there is a lot to do. Presents still to be brought and then of course they all need wrapping up. Earlier this week I shared with you Holly’s wish list for Christmas and now I’m going to share with Alice’s wish list. Which I […]

Getting Ready for Autumn with JD Williams…

I didn’t think that I would be packing away my sandals so soon, but Autumn is definitely here and I’m ready to reach for warm jumpers and boots to keep me warm. Since becoming a school mum and having to leave the house so early and stand in a cold playground jumpers and boots are […]

Having Fun With Sands Alive Sweet Treats…Plus A Giveaway!

Over the last year we’ve reviewed both the glow set sands alive and the cake shop sands alive set, but it was only Alice who was old enough to play with it. So, when we were recently sent the Sands Alive Sweet Treats set, Holly was really excited when I told her she could now […]

Froggy…The Jumping Matching Game!

Alice loves to play games and if it’s a game that might too tricky for Holly then we tend to get those ones out when Holly is napping. As it makes everyone a little bit happier. We were recently sent a new game called Froggy, the jumping colour matching game that is aimed at 5+. […]

Finding your mummy friends…

Last week I wrote about my lonely world, which you can read here, but my life isn’t completely lonely. I do have some truly wonderful friends, who I am grateful to have in my life. Plus I did find one mummy friend… It wasn’t long after I found out that I was pregnant with Alice […]

A Family Meal Out At ASK Italian…

As a family we love to eat out at restaurants and its definitely not stopped us since having children. I think its good for them to learn to sit and wait for their meal at an early age. If you need any tips I shared mine here. A couple of weeks ago it was Alice’s […]

A Family Meal Out At ASK Italian…

As a family we love to eat out at restaurants and its definitely not stopped us since having children. I think its good for them to learn to sit and wait for their meal at an early age. If you need any tips I shared mine here. A couple of weeks ago it was Alice’s […]