Review: Halloween Shopping with B&M…

With all the children back to school and September coming to an end this week. It’s time to start thinking about Halloween, yes its that time of year to dig out that fancy dress costume from the back of your wardrobe and join in with your children. Alice is old enough to know all about […]

Review: Halloween Shopping with B&M…

With all the children back to school and September coming to an end this week. It’s time to start thinking about Halloween, yes its that time of year to dig out that fancy dress costume from the back of your wardrobe and join in with your children. Alice is old enough to know all about […]

Primary School Application….I am out of control!

Two months after Alice turned three, an email dropped into my inbox letting me know the primary school application process had opened. I didn’t feel ready to start thinking about my little girl going to school, she seemed so little and I decided to ignore it. I am not very good at ignoring things, if […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…September 2017

September started off well for us as we were still on our family holiday in Pembrokeshire, but that feels like a distance memory now. With Alice back to school we’ve been getting back into our routine and normal day to day life. I’m pleased that Alice has settled in well to year one and loves […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]