Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016

Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine. I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they […]

Meet Snot…The Toy No-One Wanted

Have you met Snot? He is the star of the new Smyth’s Toys advert this Christmas and I think that I may have a soft spot for him! We first meet Snot when he is out in the street as the toy that no one wanted. The result of a factory mistake and is cast […]

Living Arrows 42/52 {2017}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran At the weekend we went to a local pumpkin patch that we hadn’t been to before. It was a little bit disappointing and not quite what I had expected. But the girls didn’t notice and they still had […]

Living Arrows 39/52 {2017}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran Last week Holly and I headed over to the lovely Katy’s house for a Toy Story party for her son. Holly had such a lovely time and they were all really sweet together. Katy took this photo of […]

Living Arrows 39/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran   We had another week of Alice only at school in the mornings, which meant we could have a few trips to the park. It wasn’t as warm as it was last week, I think autumn has definitely […]

Living Arrows 39/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran   We had another week of Alice only at school in the mornings, which meant we could have a few trips to the park. It wasn’t as warm as it was last week, I think autumn has definitely […]

Living Arrows 39/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran   We had another week of Alice only at school in the mornings, which meant we could have a few trips to the park. It wasn’t as warm as it was last week, I think autumn has definitely […]

Living Arrows 39/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran   We had another week of Alice only at school in the mornings, which meant we could have a few trips to the park. It wasn’t as warm as it was last week, I think autumn has definitely […]

Living Arrows 39/52

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” by Kahlil Gibran   We had another week of Alice only at school in the mornings, which meant we could have a few trips to the park. It wasn’t as warm as it was last week, I think autumn has definitely […]