A Mini Break To Brighton…

I love Brighton and back in March Andy and I had a night away there. We decided it would be lovely to bring the girls, as they had never been before. We booked a few days away last week whilst they were on half term.

We planned to visit the i360 Viewing Tower and the Sealife centre, as we have Merlin passes. We arrived late afternoon, after stopping off at a National Trust on our way. Out hotel was opposite the beach and we headed over for the girls to have a run about. We then headed back to our hotel to relax for the evening.

The next day we woke up to the worst weather I’ve ever seen, with rain and wind. At one point I had to hold Alice down, as the wind was carrying us along. I had packed the girls waterproofs and they were kept nice and dry. We headed to the i360 viewing tower and were pleased it was still open. We had a great time going up in it and seeing the waves crashing in.

We then headed to Costa for a hot chocolate to warm up. We decided to then head to the Sealife, and have a late lunch afterwards. The Sealiffe is right by the beach and the waves crashing up against the pier was like nothing we’ve ever seen.

We love a Sealife centre and this one didn’t disappoint. The girls love seeing the animals and there was so many to see. It’s always a fun day our and it doesn’t matter about the weather. We were glad to be inside for a while.

Afterwards we went back into town and had lunch at ASK, always a favourite with the girls. We had a lovely meal and it was nice to have a warm meal. We then did some shopping and thankfully the rain had stopped. We got some food to have a picnic lunch back at the hotel, which is always a hit with the girls.

We had a lovely day and the weather didn’t stop us doing what we had planned. The girls thought it was brilliant, being blown around. We made use of the bus to get back to our hotel. It wasn’t far, but with the weather it was hard to walk.

The next day we woke up and the weather was the complete opposite and it was calm and sunny. We headed to the beach for a walk and some fun.

We had a lovely few days in Brighton. It was really nice to take the girls there and spend some time all together.

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