A Trip To…Bourton-On-The-Water, Cotswold


At the end of half term the weather was gorgeous and we were looking for a day out. It was a Sunday and we thought it would be nice to go and have a wander around somewhere, have some lunch and nothing too adventurous. We decided to go to Bourton-on-the-water which is a beautiful village in the Cotswold.

The girls had never been before and I was telling them about the model village that they have there and the water that runs right through the village.

When we arrived we parked easily and walked down to the village. The girl really wanted to go to the model village and we headed there first. It is a model village of Bourton-on-the-water and they do a really good job of keeping it updated as shops change.

Alice quickly noticed that it was where they filmed Nativity 3, one of the girls favourite Christmas films. This made them even more excited.

There was a selfie station at the end that they loved sticking their head through!

Once we finished at the model village we headed into the village itself and the girls loved spotting all the shops and cafes that they had seen in the model village, this definitely made it more fun for them. If you’re planning on going to the model village I definitely recommend going there first.

It is really beautiful and the girls loved the bridges that run over the water. There is also a motor museum you can visit, we ran out of time to go in, but its something for us to do next time and Birdland is just down the road too, which is meant to be a lovely place to visit

We stopped for lunch at a lovely restaurant, the only frustrating part was that it was a gorgeous day and they had seating outside, but you couldn’t sit outside if you wanted food. Which meant we had to go indoors. However the food was lovely and we had a nice lunch.

Afterwards we walked around and looked in a few shops and because it was a lovely day, we had our first ice cream of the year. There are plenty of benches along the water and we sat and had a nice ice cream to finish of our day.

It was one of those days where everyone was in a good mood and it was nice to wander around, have nice food and enjoy the unexpected nice weather we had.

We will definitely be heading back.

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