A Trip To Crealy Theme Park, South Devon…

Last week when we were staying in Devon, we were invited to visit Crealy Theme Park, which is not too far from Exeter. We hadn’t been before, but having looked at their website we couldn’t wait to spend the day there.

We arrived at 10am, when it opened and the weather was a bit overcast and it looked like it might rain. But that also meant that we were able to get on a couple of rides without queuing. The first ride the girls wanted to go on, was the Junior Driving School. They decided they wanted to go on together, I think Holly likes being driven around. The area for them to drive around was a great size, with roundabouts and the girls loved  it.

Behind the driving school, was the Dino Jeeps and we walked straight onto the ride. Holly was the driver on this one, with Andy and Alice sat in the back. She absolutely loved driving us around!

The girls had spotted the Aqua blasters and couldn’t wait to go on and again they were able to get straight on. Alice was very happy that she was tall enough to go by herself and Andy went on with Holly. There are water guns, that you can blast each other with. I was very happy to be on land watching them 🙂 They had so much fun and didn’t want to get off!

When we came off this ride, the clouds had blown over and the park was filling up. It ended up being a beautiful sunny day. Andy and Alice went on the Maximus Rollercoaster next, Holly didn’t fancy it and while they queued we headed to the play area.

Holly and I made it back just in time to watch Andy and I on the Maximus Rollercoaster. Alice came off saying it was really fast, but she was pleased she did it. She is definitely getting braver.

What I love about Crealy, is that all the rides were perfect for the girls ages. They are 4 and 6 years old, and there was only 1 ride that you have to be 16 years old to go on. Apart from that, Alice could go on all of them and Holly could go on most of them. There is a height guide as you enter the park and it tells you what rides you’re able to go on.

The girls went on Pirates Revenge next, which was an indoor play area, with parts of it taking them outside. You have to take your shoes off to go in and the girls had great fun. There were a few benches available for parents to sit on and have a much needed break.

Once they had finished they went on the carousel. They both love them and were very excited to have two horses next to each other. Seeing them on it together without me, is another sign that my girls are growing up and I no longer get to have a go!

Earlier on we had spotted there was going to be a show on at 11.30am, and once they finished on the carousel we were just in time to watch it. Holly was in her element, up dancing along to the songs. It was a lovely animal show and nice to have a rest.

After the show the girls were ready for lunch. Andy and I had a big breakfast at our hotel and we had a naughty lunch of doughnuts. When you go to a theme park, you just have to buy warm doughnuts, its the theme park rules!!! They were SO nice. In the Adventures Food Court, we brought the girls a lunch box each, which were really good value and the girls enjoyed them.

Next to the food court, is an indoor Adventure zone, which is a giant soft play and after lunch the girls went and had ago. It is really big and busy, and it can be hard to keep track of your children. But they had a great time.

Next door is Atlantis which has rides indoors. These would also be great if you came and it did start to rain as you could go and shelter whilst still enjoying the park.

The girls couldn’t wait to go on the Dolphin Drop, which they were able to do on their own. They had the biggest smiles the whole time they were on it and had such a fun time.

Next they went on Neptune’s Tea Cups, which again they could go on their own. All these rides had really short queues and they walked straight onto Super Subs ride.

The last ride inside Atlantis was Shark Bay, which is a rollercoaster. Alice was tall enough to go on her own, but Holly needed an adult and it was my turn to have a go. Alice was so excited that we got to go at the front. It was really good fun and just right for their ages.

Next door was the animal barn and we went to have a look at what animals they had. Holly fell in love with the ponies and has promptly put one on her birthday wish list!

There were lots of cute rabbits, that we all fell in love with.

I did expect to see animals at a theme park and it was a nice surprise. There were hand washing facilities as we left the barn and just outside was a Crealy Photo frame, for the perfect photo opportunity.

We went on the Safari Express train next, which is a nice gentle train ride and my girls always want to go on these rides. They love trains!

From the train the girls spotted Honey Swing to go on next and it was nice that there were double swings to sit together. This was one of their favourites.

As the day was coming to an end and the girls were getting tired. They had just enough energy to go on Fort Crealy, which is full of fun slides.

The girls had so much fun going down the slides, I didn’t think they would ever want to leave.

Alice even braved the bigger slide!

Crealy do a great offer, where you get seven days for the price of one on selected days only. Just pop to guest services to validate your ticket and you can come back for the next 7 days with no additional entry fee.

We had a brilliant day at Crealy Theme Park, the girls loved all the rides we managed to do and they’ve already asked when we can go back. I guess that means we just need to book another holiday to Devon.

Disclosure: We were kindly invited to spend the day at Crealy Resort in return for an honest review. All views, opinions and photos are my own.

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