A Trip To…London Eye

Over half term we took a trip to London and took full advantage of our Merlin Annual Passes. Alice really wanted to go up the London Eye, she had seen it on several films and its also a great way to show her more of London.

As Merlin Annual Pass holders we were able to prebook a time slot for a cost of £1 per person to make sure we could get on. It also meant we hardly had to queue, which is brilliant when traveling with children.

Andy and I had been on the London Eye before, but not together and it was the first time for the girls. Sat on London’s Southbank it’s become an iconic part of London’t skyline.

When you approach the front of the queue you are put into sections to ensure everyone enters the capsule in time. The capsules keep moving, as you walk onto it, but there is plenty of time for everyone to get in.

As soon as you get on the views are amazing, we were very lucky to have such a lovely clear day. We could see for miles!

It was really great to show the girls different parts of London as it moved around. It moves so slowly, that you don’t really notice it. There is a bench in the middle of the capsule if you want to sit down and there is up to 28 people in each capsule. Which tells you how big the capsules are, as it doesn’t feel overcrowded.

You can walk around the capsule easily and see in the full 360 views of London.

I love the look on Alice’s face when we pointed out Buckingham Palace in the distance. Alice loves the royal family and is really fascinated by it all. I would love to take her to visit Buckingham Palace one day.

The views down the river thames are magnificent!

Even though Big Ben has scaffolding around it, while they are repairing it. It was still lovely to see and a sight that Alice really wanted to see.

The Houses Of Parliament is a spectacular and seeing it from this view, is pretty amazing. You really get a feel for how big it is.

The whole experience lasts 30 minutes, which is just the right amount of time to see everything and keep the children’s interests.

You can find out everything you need to know on the London Eye’s website 

We loved our experience of the London Eye, the girls loved seeing London from above and it was something different for them to experience. The London Eye is an iconic part of London and its lovely that we could share it with them.

Near the London Eye, along the Southbank is Sea Life and we headed there once we got of the London Eye. You can also use your Merlin Annual pass here, and you can read about our trip here.

Disclosure: We are working with Merlin Annual Pass this year as ambassadors. Thank you Merlin for providing us with a year of fun.

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