Dear Holly…Now You’re Seven!

To My gorgeous Holly,

I am only just getting over you leaving the Infant School and now here we are celebrating your 7th birthday. It definitely feels like the days are long, but the years are short.

It’s been another big year for you and we couldn’t be prouder of you. The way you take everything that comes your way in your stride, we could all learn from you. You continue to amaze us every day. There have been things that have happened this year, that is not my story to tell on here, and we know that you’re going to do everything that is asked of you to overcome it. You already are and we are very proud.

We’ve also watched your confidence grow this year, and its wonderful to watch. You’re always our happy little girl, who always has a smile on her face. I have never known someone so kind and loving, as you. I’m the lucky one that gets to be your Mummy, and I pinch myself everyday that I am. Anyone that gets to call you their friend, are very lucky.

As we get closer to the end of the summer holidays, and you’re about to join Alice at the juniors school and I can’t quite believe it. You’re so excited about it and I know that you’re going to settle right in.

You continue to adore Alice, your big sister, the one you go to when you get upset and who you know will make it all ok. Yes, you squabble like only siblings can, but its over in a flash and you’re back to being best friends again.

As I sit here now, I can’t believe that my baby is 7. Where have those 7 years gone! You came out smiling and haven’t stopped since. Never change my gorgeous girl, continue to see the good in everyone and everything.

Lets see what being 7 brings for you and I will be right by your side the whole time. We all adore you.

Love you always and forever.





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