Dear Holly…Today You Turn 5!

To My Gorgeous Holly,

I went to write this letter to you a few days ago, but I couldn’t being myself to do it. Because I can’t actually believe that my baby girl is going to be five. I’ve been in denial and five seems like such a milestone. But here we are my gorgeous girl, my baby girl is five years old.

Just thinking of you brings tears to my eyes, I can’t find the right words to say how much you mean to me. How much sunshine, laughter and love you bring into my life and everyone who has the privilege of knowing you. You are our little ray of sunshine, who came out smiling and hasn’t stopped since.

This time last year we were a couple of weeks away from you starting school and I was dreading it. I couldn’t imagine you not being home with me everyday and I knew I was going to miss you like crazy. Everyone told me it would get easier, but yet here we are a year later and I still miss you. I still wish you were home with me and I think I always will.

The good news is you love school, you’ve settled in and you had a brilliant first year at school. I was worried that school would change you and there was a moment I thought it had. But thankfully it was just a wobble from you and you bounced back to the Holly we all know and love. Which the teachers now get to see and all the comments I get are how happy you are, how easy going you are and how much you love to make things. You’ve made the best friends and it melts my heart to see you with them.

You’re cheeky, you bring the fun to our family. You make us laugh all the time and you have everyone wrapped around your little finger. You come out with the funniest things, and I want to bottle you up. I want to press pause on time, as I don’t want you to grow up and loose any of this.

We’ve just come back from our holiday in Crete and I feel like you grew up in front of me. When we finished school in July, I didn’t think you were big enough to be going into year one. But now its only a couple of weeks away, I can see that you are ready. You’ve grown up SO much this summer. As you keep telling me, you’re a big girl now and you really are.

You adore Alice, you look up to her and you rely on her a lot. When you need reassurance or confidence to do something you go to Alice. I wonder how you will cope when you go back to school and Alice isn’t at the school with you. I think it will be good for you, a chance for you to be Holly and not Alice’s little sister.

You’ve waited all year to turn five, you’ve watched all your friends turn five and now it is your turn my gorgeous girl.

I love you always and forever.



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