Dear Holly…Today You Turn 6!

To My Gorgeous Holly,

Today you turn 6 years old, and I can’t believe its been a whole year of you being 5. What a year its been! Just after you turned 5, you went back to school as a year one and your first time at school without Alice. You weren’t nervous at all, and you were excited to no longer be the youngest in the school.

You were really starting to flourish at school, when our lives changed. All the schools in the UK closed due to the Coronavirus, something that has never happened before, and I hope it never will again. Mummy became your teacher and you adapted really well to the changes.

What amazed me the most about you, was when it was time for you to return to school. A decision that I agonised over, had sleepless nights over and one that the minute you went back I never regretted. You showed us what an amazingly resilient little girl you are. You loved being back at school with your friends and you never once questioned the changes, you embraced them.

We’re very proud of you and you have been and continue to be our shining light through this time.

You’re a little girl that knows what she wants in life, and is very easy to entertain. You love to do colouring, lego, jigsaws and play with your dolls. You will sit for ages happily playing.

You still adore your sister, and I love watching your relationship together. You’re the calm one, and its amazing to see you calm Alice down and be a support for her. She is lucky to have you and I know that you will always be there for her.

As I look ahead to the next couple of weeks when you will start back at school as a year two. I can’t believe its your last year at the infant school, it feels like you only just started. It’s going to be a big year for you and I know that you will smash it.

You will always be my ray of sunshine, we all adore you and now its time to celebrate my baby girl turning 6.

Love you always



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