Froggy…The Jumping Matching Game!

Froggy…The Jumping Matching Game!

Alice loves to play games and if it’s a game that might too tricky for Holly then we tend to get those ones out when Holly is napping. As it makes everyone a little bit happier.

We were recently sent a new game called Froggy, the jumping colour matching game that is aimed at 5+. Last Saturday with Andy at the rugby and Holly napping, Alice and I sat down for a game together.

Firstly what I really like is that the box is nice and small. This is not only great for storing it, but makes it the perfect game to take away with us on holiday.

Inside the box you will find six frogs, each with a different colour disc on the bottom, the stones and the waterlilies.

The object of the game is to collect the most waterlilies and the winner is the person who has the most waterlilies at the end of the game.

You start off by laying out the seven stones in the middle and place a frog on each stone, with one stone remaining empty. Distribute the waterlilies around the stones, making a pond. Turn over one waterlily.

Taking turns each player chooses one frog and moves it onto the empty stone. Whilst moving the stone the player reveals and announces the colour of that frog, which can be found on the base.

If the frog’s colour matches the colour of the waterlily that is facing up, the player wins the waterlily and places it in front of them. They then turn over another waterlily and have another turn at moving a frog.

The player’s turn continues until they do not match a waterlily.

If the frog’s colour does not match the waterlily that is face up, then the player’s turn is over and its now the turn of the other player.

Froggy is a new game that will be hitting the shops soon.

Alice really enjoyed the game and grasped the concept quickly. It really gets the mind working, trying to remember which coloured frog is where to try and get more than 1 waterlily in a turn.

Disclosure: We were kindly sent our game of Froggy in return for an honest review. All views, photos and opinions are my own. 

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