Last Day at Preschool…


I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster.

She has never once cried at drop off and whilst at first I was the one a bit upset about it. Did it mean that she wasn’t happy spending time with me or that I was boring. But, I quickly learnt that actually I have a little girl that is keen to learn, she wants to soak up everything there is to know. She wanted to expand her little world and meet new people, make new friends and that makes me proud.


First Day January 2015

And she has done all of that and more. Alice has thrived on going to preschool and the teachers have been able to give her things that I wouldn’t have been able to. They have taught her so much and helped shape her into the wonderful person that she has become. She is confident on her own and knows her own mind. She is not one of life’s followers and is happy in her desire to do something even if no one else wants to.

She is caring of the younger children and is quick to let the teacher know if someone is upset. In fact I think she just wants to be the teacher, at the final parents meetings they told me she likes to sit the little ones down and be their teacher. She turns the book round so everyone can see and she will recite the story perfectly, stopping to ask them questions. And even when they reply with an ‘ummm’, she tells them ‘well done, good answer’ and everyone is happy. It makes the teachers smile!


And today on our last walk to preschool I will be taking my time to soak it up one more time. It’s a walk that we’ve come to love and its the walk that I get tiny snippets of your day on the way home, before you get through the front door and consumed by something else.

We have the summer ahead of us and I can’t wait to have you home with us everyday, I know that Holly misses you on the days that you are at preschool. Goodness knows what she will do in September when you go to school everyday. But I am sure it will quickly become our new normal.


Or will it? I am just not sure that I will ever be happy to see you go to school. Yes, of course I want you to learn and developed, but I am really going to miss you.

You and I have become buddies and we chat, well actually you chat all day long. The days are going to be quieter without you. I know you can’t stay little forever and I know that you are more than ready for big school, but I am just not ready.

So, for now I am going to bury my head in the sand for a bit longer and enjoy these next few weeks. It’s going to be so much fun with both yours and Holly’s birthdays to celebrate and I can’t wait!


Cuddle Fairy

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