Living Arrows 52/52 {2019}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

by Kahlil Gibran


Just like that Christmas is over and we’re nearly at the end of 2019. It’s my last Living Arrows post of 2019 and I’ve loved keeping a record of my girls growing up every week this year. I now have four years of weekly photos and I know that I’m going to love looking back at them in years to come.

Of course my photos are from Christmas. The girls on Christmas Eve, in their Christmas pyjamas, all excited and full of anticipation for the next day. I just love this photo so much.

On Boxing Day we went out for dinner with my parents and it was really lovely that no one had to cook. It took the pressure of Christmas and something we will definitely do again.


Living Arrows

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