How to Make Quick and Easy Bonfire Cakes…

One of the things that Alice loves to do is bake cakes, decorate cakes and anything else to do with baking. I knew that I needed to make sure we fitted this in during half term, as we don’t get chance to do it as often anymore.

With firework night coming up this weekend, we thought we would make our bonfire cakes. Because the exciting part of this for Alice is decorating the cakes to make bonfires, I brought some ready made fairy cakes. I’ve learnt over the years there are times to get Alice to bake the cakes and there are times when she just wants to decorate them and to buy these.

What you will need…

– Fairy cakes (either ready made or make these yourself)

– Butter icing

– Orange food colouring

– Matchmakers


How to make the bonfire cakes…

1. Take the butter icing and add the orange food colouring.


2. Mix well until its a lovely orange colour.


3. On each of your fairy cakes, take the orange butter icing and spoon a small amount on top. Make it in a little heap, to look like a bonfire.


4. Break your matchmakers into small bits, about an inch long.


5. Add the matchmakers to your cakes, placing them on the cakes to make the sticks on your bonfire.


6. Repeat this on all your fairy cakes.


There you go quick and easy bonfire cakes that look great and taste even better. Perfect for little ones to make…


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