Me and Mine A Family Project…May 2019

May you’re one of my favourite months, mainly because you give us two bank holidays. Which means more time as a family. But also because I love the bluebells that arrive. We saw lots of spanish bluebells this month, especially on our walk to school.

It’s felt like May was the weeks leading us from the end of the Easter holidays, to May half term. With all the usual everyday life stuff going on, making every week feel like the same. Since Alice started school, it can feel like we’re just counting down the weeks to the next school holiday.

It’s been a funny month with the weather, one day the girls are in shorts and the next day back in coats. But I can tell the weather is getting nicer because our diary is always busier in the summer months and it’s nice that we have some fun weekends booked in. I think we are naturally more sociable in the summer months.  

It’s currently half term for the girls and for the first time Andy has the whole week off with us. It started with a nice chilled, quiet few days. With a trip to Cliveden National Trust with my family, which was fun. The girls and I went wall climbing with some friends and the girls were amazing! 

And as I write this post I’m sat in the dark in a hotel room in Devon. We arrived at lunchtime today and are here until Saturday. I can’t wait to have a few days away with my favourite people. We’ve already been swimming in the hotel pool and walked along the beach front. I feel relaxed already and can’t wait to eat all the Devonshire ice cream!

My photos this month are of course with the bluebells. It’s an annual tradition and the girls love it just as much as me! We did have to go to a different place than usual to get them. The bluebells weren’t quite as good as previous years, but I still love these photos. 

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