Me and Mine…A Family Project September 2016


Honestly where did September disappear too? It has been a whirlwind month taken up with getting Alice settled into school and for us all to get used to our new school routine.

I’m really pleased that Alice has settled in so well at school, I’ve had no wobbles yet or tears. I am sure they will come, but at the moment she is still happily going every day. This week saw the start of her going in for full days and as the week has gone on, the more tired she has become.

I think its going to take her a while to get used to going to school every day and they are learning so much, I am not surprised that she is so tired. There has been the odd moment of bad behaviour, which was always going to happen when tiredness sets in. So, that has been challenging!

And whilst Alice has been at school, Holly and I have been finding our feet with the new routine. It’s lovely to have this one on one time with her, that she has never had. Whilst of course we miss Alice, having just Holly means we can go to places that are suitable just for her age group. I have had a few moments where I have thought I’ve lost a child and then remembered I only have Holly with me.

I already hate the school run, its such a faff getting everyone out the car, put Holly in the pushchair and walk along to the school. To then just turn round, walk back, put Holly back in the car, fold down the pushchair and put it back in the car! Surely schools now could have a drive through option? How cool would that be, just drive though, they jump out and off we go.

I am hoping my the end of October when I right my next post, I can tell you that I am totally nailing this school mum thing!

This months photos are taken when we were on the way to a friends little boy birthday party. We had some time and I spotted this random straw bale in a field, which I thought would be perfect. Of course Andy thought I was crazy, but he is getting good at embracing my randomness when it comes to taking photos.




Holly suddenly pulled me in close and I nearly fell over and Alice went crazy!


When Holly is trying to make a break for freedom!






Alice suddenly shouts ‘Jump Holly!’, Andy and I were not ready for this. But I love their faces, laughing together.


Alice playing peekaboo and had no idea I had the camera all ready. I love how natural this shot is.

Laura x

The Me and Mine Project

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