Its been a busy week, with lots happening at both the girls schools and work for me. The weather has taken a turn and its really cold now. Those early morning school runs, have made me rushing hope for a coffee to warm up.
Here is my little snapshot of this week…
Fireworks… We normally go to a local firework display and were planning on going to it on Saturday. But the weather forecast showed heavy rain and just in case we didn’t make it, on Friday I brought some sparklers for the girls to do in the garden. They loved it and I’m pleased we did it.
Friends and Remembrance Sunday… On Sunday we had friends over for Sunday lunch and it was really lovely to catch up. We see them a lot, but its always grabbed chats and rushed conversations. It was nice to sit and have a proper chat. They have 2 girls too, similar ages to my girls and they all get on really well. Now they’re older, they disappear to play. It was also remembrance Sunday and Alice, and our friends daughter were taking part in the service. We all went along to the service and the girls did a great job.
Busy Week At School.. This week there has been lots going on at the girls schools. On Monday Holly had cross country and I went along to help out. She was so excited, but I’m not too sure if the excitement was doing the running or wearing her rainbow joggers!! She did a great job, and seemed to enjoy it. Later in the week she had the school disco, which is always a favourite.
Sorting The House… I don’t know if its the time of year and because we’re spending more time at home. But we’ve been having a good sort out of the house and its been great. Both the spare room and our utility room are now clear of all the unwanted bits that often get dumped in them. We’ve got one more area to do this week and then the house will be a good place.
This weekend… The girls are having a sleepover at my parents house on Friday night and then on Saturday we have something very exciting happening, that I can’t wait to share with you next week.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.