The Coronavirus Diary…#12

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Another week has passed and not much has really changed. Holly is really enjoying being back at school and Alice has settled into doing her school work. It’s a lot calmer in our home right now and everyone is happy, which I’m grateful for.

We found out yesterday that Alice won’t be going back to school this term. I’m sad for her, she loves school, her teacher and her friends. She is sad that she can’t go back, but is also pleased to be home with Mummy. I’m going to try and find somethings she can do at home, to interact more with children her age.

At least we now know, and I don’t feel like the waiting to find out is hanging over us. We have five weeks left until the end of term and whilst that feels like a long way off, I know it will be here before we know it.

Last weekend we headed to a woods about 10 minutes drive from us. The cafe was open for takeaway and I got a takeaway coffee. My first takeaway coffee, since forever and it was really nice. The girls took their scooters and we had a lovely walk/scoot.

Andy and I also decided at 5pm one night to swap our lounge around. It looks a lot bigger and I love it. The sofa is now in the box window and I love sitting there now. The cats also love sitting on the back of the sofa an watching the world go by.

I started to watch This Is Us and its amazing, I’ve been watching it every night and I love it! There is also 4 seasons, and this is excites me. Andy is happy because tonight the football is starting back up again and he can watch all the games that they will finally be playing to catch up the season.

It’s my birthday on Friday and the girls are really excited. Holly has planned for me to eat all the food, its so cute. I didn’t think my birthday would be in lockdown, but at least I get to spend it with my three favourite people.

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