The Coronavirus Diary…#13

Wednesday 24th June 2020

It’s been a busy time since I wrote my post last week. It was my birthday at the end of last week, and I had a lovely day with my family. The girls were SO excited and it melts my heart to see them excited for me. In the afternoon we went over to see my parents in their garden, which was really nice.

On the way home we stopped off at a local poppy field. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, and the girls loved it. I got some gorgeous photos of them and I love them all. We then had a takeaway pizza and snuggled up together to watch a film.

It was then Fathers Day on Sunday, and all Andy has wanted to do since this started was go to the beach. A few weeks ago I found a beach that you can book to visit, which meant that the numbers were being managed. I booked it for Father’s Day and we were all really excited about going.

We had the best day ever. A chance to have some normality in our life. The girls built sandcastles, splashed in the sea, had an ice cream and it was really lovely to see them happy. It was nice to feel safe, at a place we love.

It made such a difference to how we all felt, the last few days everyone has been in really good moods. We will definitely be going back.

Last night the Prime Minster made an announcement about making more changes to lockdown from 4th July. They are also reducing the social distancing from 2 metres to 1 metres. Restaurants, cafe’s, cinemas, hotels, pubs, hairdressers will all be able to open if they can put the correct measures in place.

We will also be allowed to meet up with 1 other household, either inside or outside, as long as we maintain the 1 metre. Which is great news, as it means we can meet up with friends. Plus if it rains, we can still see people inside.

For now, we won’t be going to the cinema or to a restaurant, as we don’t need too and I just wouldn’t feel comfortable. But its good to know that the levels of virus have reduced enough for them to open.

We will gradually come out of lockdown, at our own pace. Which I think is important for everyone to do what is right for them.

We’ve had gorgeous weather this week, but unfortunately it looks like rain for the weekend. I hope its wrong.

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