The Coronavirus Diary…#14

Thursday 2nd July 2020

Another week has passed and we find ourselves entering July. Yesterday we reached the milestone of 100 days in lockdown, which is just crazy. If someone had told me at the start that we would spend 100 days and more, in lockdown I would’ve cried at the thought of it. But here we are, and we are doing ok.

It feels like we’ve moved into a period, where people are being very quick to judge and criticise people. All week I’ve seen people moaning about people doing things, when these people are actually doing nothing wrong and are following the rules. The best part is, that some of these people, are people that have broken the rules from day 1!!!

Everyone is naturally coming out lockdown in their own way, and people should respect that. As long as people follow the rules, then they should be allowed to do what they are comfortable with doing. Just because you may not be comfortable doing it, it doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong!

For us, we are continuing to stay at home a lot. At the weekends we will go out for a walk somewhere local to us. We’ve had one day out to the beach, but we went to one that we had to pre-book and it wasn’t busy. We were easily able to seat 2metres away from people. It was a brilliant day, and it made everyone feel good.

Life does feel a bit like groundhog day with every day feeling like the same, but we are doing our best to stay positive. The weather took a turn last weekend and I think that has definitely had an effect on our mood. Its been cold, windy and raining a lot.

On Sunday we did manage to meet up with my parents for a walk in the woods near us. The rain stopped just long enough for us to go and it was lovely. The girls loved showing them, the walk that we have done lots of time doing lockdown!

Alice found out which teacher and class she is going to be in for year four. She is really happy with the teacher and she is with 3 of her friends, which she is very happy about. This week they had a virtual video call with their new teacher and class, its obviously not the same as being able to do it in person. But I’m pleased that the school arranged it, and Alice enjoyed it.

This week Alice and I met up with one of her friends and her mum. Alice has been excited about it all week and it was just what she needed. We went on a nice walk, and then went to their garden. The girls made perfume, ate an ice cream and were just children! It was also lovely for me to have a chance to chat to my friend. It really does make a difference being able to see people in person.

The government today outlined plans for all children to return to school in September and I’m really pleased that Alice will be able to go back in September. I was worried after reading lots of speculation, whether this would actually happen. They will still be in bubbles, but the bubbles are to be extended to a whole class.

This weekend the weather is looking very mixed. We have plans to visit a National Trust on Saturday and I’m hoping that we will be able to make it.

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