The Coronavirus Diary…#16

Wednesday 15th July 2020

On Fridays Holly finishes school at lunchtime, which I really like. I had booked us tickets to go to The Vyne in the afternoon, just to have a nice walk and an ice cream. I’ve always loved having our National Trust passes, and its great being able to use them again. Because they are restricting the numbers, its nice to know its not going to be busy when we arrive.

We had a lovely walk around the lake and then sat on the green for an ice cream. It was a lovely afternoon.

Whilst last week the weather was miserable, on Saturday we woke up to gorgeous sunshine. Which was amazing, because we had pre-booked a slot at the beach. We booked it a few weeks ago and I can’t believe how lucky we were to have sunshine.

We had another amazing day. When we arrived the tide was really really far out and the girls couldn’t believe it. It meant long walks to get water in their buckets!!!! Going to the beach is one of my favourite days out. With children you don’t really get relaxing days, but when we go to the beach they are definitely some of our most relaxed days. The girls are happy and content playing in the sand or going in the sea. I even manage to read my magazine or book.

Again, because you have to prebook a slot, it wasn’t overcrowded and we had plenty of space for us. The girls built an island and played happily for ages. They also had a couple of trips in the sea with Andy, which they always love. We had an ice cream of course and it was just a lovely day.

On Sunday we spent the day at home in the garden. We had a barbecue which was really nice and then had a walk around our village. The girls enjoyed playing in the garden for most of the day.

This week it has felt like we are counting down to the end of the school year, which for us isn’t until next Wednesday. We did meet up with some friends in the field for a play this afternoon, which Alice really enjoyed. It was lovely for me to chat to my friends too. We were saying what a different summer holidays its going to be this year.

This weekend we have tickets to visit Basildon Park with my parents and we’re taking a picnic too. It looks like its going to be a lovely sunny weekend and I hope they’ve got the forecast right.


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