The Coronavirus Diary… #19

Sunday 10th January 2021

I haven’t wrote an update since we started lockdown #2, life just ran away with me again and then Christmas etc. So, let’s start with lockdown #2. This didn’t feel too bad for us, because schools stayed open the week days were very normal. The girls were both happy at school and we had no bubbles bursting which meant they didn’t have to self-isolate. The weekends were spent going on walks, and having roast dinners.

The lockdown did end as planned on 2nd December and we were then put into tier 2. Which meant we could only meet as a group of 6 people outside. It was my Mum’s birthday the next day and the girls and I met them briefly for a walk after school to give her presents. It was cold, but thankfully it didn’t rain and we were really pleased we could do it.

It wasn’t long that the government then announced their plans for Christmas and said that up to 3 households could meet up between 23rd-27th December. But you had to pick your 2 households and not swap. We arranged that my parents were going to come over on Christmas Day and it gave us all something to look forward too. We didn’t tell the girls, just in case anything changed.

We were then told, there is a new strain of the virus which is more contagious than before. Luckily it’s not any more deadly, but it means that it is spreading quicker than before. We also have a vaccine, which is great news and they are starting to vaccinate the elderly. Obviously it is going to take a very long time to get everyone vaccinated. But there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.

Then on the 19th December, with numbers rising fast the government brought in a new tier, tier 4 and my parents along with a lot of the south west were put into tier 4. Which meant shops, restaurants had to close and you can only meet 1 person outside your household. They also cancelled the Christmas plans for everyone in tier 4.

Whilst we remained in tier 2, because my parents were in tier 4, along with my brother and his family and Andy’s parents. It meant we couldn’t see any of them. It was the right decision, because the risk was too high. But it was difficult seeing other people having a normal Christmas with their families.

Luckily because we hadn’t told the girls, we just had to let them know that the government said we couldn’t meet up. Instead it was just the four of us and we had zoom calls with our family. Whilst it was lovely and the girls still had a wonderful day, it wasn’t the same. It’s the first Christmas I’ve not spend with my parents.

On the 23rd December they then announced that we would be going into tier 4 on Boxing Day. This was a shock. We went from tier 2 to tier 4! It meant that some of our plans were cancelled, like the light trail at Waddesdon Manor. We spent the rest of the holidays, having daily walks, baking and enjoying quiet days together.

As the return to school was approaching, we knew that secondary schools were going to have a phased approach back. But primary schools would stay the same, all going back together. The girls had an inset day and were due back on Tuesday 5th January.

On Monday 4th January at 8pm, we were told that the whole country was going back into lockdown and all schools will close. This was devastating to hear and I wasn’t expecting primary schools to close so soon. Whilst the numbers were high and it was obvious we needed another lockdown, I thought it might be like the last one with schools open.

The girls were sad when we told them the next day, as they were all excited about seeing their friends and they love school. It also meant a return to home schooling! I was dreading it.

Thankfully the schools were set up this time, and we could start straight away for Alice. Holly’s school needed a day to plan. We’ve got off to a good start and the girls have been brilliant. It’s hard juggling teaching them both, and they always need me at the same time.

This week they are starting online lessons and I’m hoping this will help us. Not only does it mean that they are being taught by the teacher, but it will give us some structure too. Watch this space….

I’m definitely finding lockdown harder this time. The school work is full on, which means we are doing it for longer than last time. Last time we would finish at lunchtime and then spend the afternoon in the garden. It was a lot easier in the spring/summer.

We also been told schools are definitely shut until February half term and knowing this is mentally hard. I can’t take it week by week. I purposefully haven’t told the girls, so that they can take it week by week and so far this is helping them. I also think it will be longer, the numbers are rising still and lockdown doesn’t seem to be helping.

It feels like this is never going to end!


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