The Coronavirus Diary…#21

Tuesday 2nd February 2020

We made it through to the end of January, which felt like the longest month ever. The last few weeks, nothing has really changed. We are still homeschooling both the girls. It’s still hard work and exhausting. I’ve literally never been so tired and I collapse at the end of each day. Whilst I am finding it easier than last time, it’s still not fun.

The weekends are what I live for, when we can pack it all away for 2 days. We don’t do a lot at the weekend. I clean the house, we go for walks and a highlight has become watching the Masked Singer on a Sunday afternoon, after our walk. I’m not quite sure why we are so invested in the series, I think its because there is nothing else to do and its something different for us all to watch together!

I’m grateful for my friends, who keep me going each day. The ones I can moan at, or they can moan at me. It definitely helps to know that other people are struggling too.

I met my friend for a walk last Saturday afternoon and even though it was drizzly rain, I needed  that walk and chat more than anything else. We both came away feeling a lot better for doing it and to have a couple of hours out of the house without the children was very welcome. I love them to bits, but we are just all on top of each now. I needed to reset my batteries and I came back refreshed.

Next Thursday the girls break up for half term, I was really happy to see that Friday is an inset day. Of course we will still be in lockdown and we won’t be able to go anywhere or see anyone. But, to not have the pressure of schoolwork for a week will be amazing. I’ve started to put some ideas together on what we can do, to keep ourselves entertained.

At the moment the government are saying that schools will gradually start to re-open on the 8th March and I think it will be based on case numbers in each area, as to what schools will open. The cases are quite low here and declining and I’m hoping both the girls can go back. I don’t mind if we stay in lockdown, but just to have that normality for them and to see their friends will be brilliant. Plus, I worry about their education all the time.

Ending with some good news today, my Dad got his first vaccination and I’ve never been so grateful for science. To actually know someone that has had it, has brought me hope. Hope that this will end. He gets his second dose in April and we’re just waiting for when my Mum will get hers.

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