Why I Write…

Blogging is my job, but do I talk about it in my real life? Do I tell people what I do? Or do I let them think that I spend my days at home, doing the housework etc. I’m definitely in the last camp! But why? Blogging isn’t a widely known and respected career. It […]

Why I Write…

Blogging is my job, but do I talk about it in my real life? Do I tell people what I do? Or do I let them think that I spend my days at home, doing the housework etc. I’m definitely in the last camp! But why? Blogging isn’t a widely known and respected career. It […]

My Happiness non-negotiables list…

I was tagged by Donna over at What the Redhead said to share my happiness non-negotiable list. The things that I refuse to negotiate on, things that if they weren’t in my life, my happiness would be affected… This got me thinking about what happiness really means and what really does make me happy. It […]

Four Years Of Writing My Blog And How It has Changed…

Four years ago I started writing my blog and what a four years it has been. A lot has changed in the blogging world in the last four years, but I think the biggest changes happened over this last year. When I started writing my blog, I naively thought I was the only person doing […]

Five Years Of Writing My Blog and A New Name…

On one hand I can’t believe that I’ve been writing my blog for five years and on the other hand, it feels like forever. I still can’t believe that a hobby I started, I’m firstly still doing it and secondly it’s my job. A job that I love. I never normally stick at hobbies, which […]

Four Years Of Writing My Blog And How It has Changed…

Four years ago I started writing my blog and what a four years it has been. A lot has changed in the blogging world in the last four years, but I think the biggest changes happened over this last year. When I started writing my blog, I naively thought I was the only person doing […]

Dear Bear and Beany Is Two And A Little Blog Refresh…

I can’t actually believe that my little bit of the internet is 2 years old today. It’s like having a baby and saying it’s gone so fast!! But the truth is, it has. Last year I’m sure was the fastest year in the history of time, it just whizzed by. Blogging is definitely a rollercoaster and […]

18 Things For 2018…

Goodbye 2017, you’ve been a mixed bag kind of year and I’m now ready to look ahead to 2018 and see what it brings. 2018 brings a big (ssh!) birthday for me and I left it far too late to do a list of things to do before I turn 40! Instead I was tagged […]