Get To Know us…

The girls were on half term last week and Andy had the week off too. It’s the first time Andy has been off work the whole time the girls have been and it was really lovely. We were invited to stay at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, which is in Dawlish Warren. The girls had not […]

Last weekend we headed to Bournemouth in search of #HiddenGems and we couldn’t wait. We’ve spent a lot of time in Bournemouth and its one of our favourite places to go. There is always lots to do and is probably best known for its beach. This time we were going in search of new things […]

I love shopping, actually I used to love shopping! Then the girls arrived and well it just became too much to take them on a shopping trip. Now that they are older, we occasionally try a shopping day, but they usually get bored and we wonder why we came. At the weekend we were invited […]