The Coronavirus Diary…#3

Tuesday 14th April 2020 I haven’t written my diary for a few weeks, I’m not sure why. Life just seemed to take over and I didn’t realise it had been so long since my last diary entry! Since my last entry, not a lot has changed. We’re still in full lockdown and not able to […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#4

Monday 20th April 2020 I mentioned in my last post that we were expecting the government to make an announcement extending the lockdown, and that did happen last Thursday. Whilst it wasn’t a surprise, and the lockdown is still very much needed. It was hard to hear. Knowing that we’re still not able to see friends and […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#9

Wednesday 27th May 2020 We finished school work last Friday and it felt really good to have reached half term. The weekend started off very windy and we had to change our plans on Saturday. Not that we really have plans, but I was going to do some painting outside and decided that I would […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#12

Wednesday 17th June 2020 Another week has passed and not much has really changed. Holly is really enjoying being back at school and Alice has settled into doing her school work. It’s a lot calmer in our home right now and everyone is happy, which I’m grateful for. We found out yesterday that Alice won’t […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#10

Wednesday 3rd June 2020 A lot has happened since my last diary update last week. Which is amazing, as normally nothing normally happens!!! The government announced last Thursday evening that schools would be opening on 1st June for year R, year one and year six. Which meant that it was time for us to make […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#11

Thursday 11th June 2020 It’s been a week since Holly went back to school and I’m really pleased (and relieved) to say that she is loving it. It feels like we’ve moved onto a new chapter. We’ve had to establish a new routine, and the change has done us all good. I have to admit […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#13

Wednesday 24th June 2020 It’s been a busy time since I wrote my post last week. It was my birthday at the end of last week, and I had a lovely day with my family. The girls were SO excited and it melts my heart to see them excited for me. In the afternoon we […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#14

Thursday 2nd July 2020 Another week has passed and we find ourselves entering July. Yesterday we reached the milestone of 100 days in lockdown, which is just crazy. If someone had told me at the start that we would spend 100 days and more, in lockdown I would’ve cried at the thought of it. But […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#16

Wednesday 15th July 2020 On Fridays Holly finishes school at lunchtime, which I really like. I had booked us tickets to go to The Vyne in the afternoon, just to have a nice walk and an ice cream. I’ve always loved having our National Trust passes, and its great being able to use them again. […]

The Coronavirus Diary…#17

Tuesday 1st September 2020 I haven’t written a diary entry for weeks and weeks, mainly because the summer holidays arrived and life became busy. Since my last entry, Alice finished year three and Holly finished year one. Of course Alice never did get a chance to return to school and graduated Mummy’s home school 🙂 […]