My Girls…January 2020

The start of the month was lovely, the girls had quite a bit of time off school after Christmas and it was just what we all needed. We had lazy mornings, which are literally my favourite thing about the holidays. When it was time for the girls to go back to school they were ready […]

My Girls…January 2020

The start of the month was lovely, the girls had quite a bit of time off school after Christmas and it was just what we all needed. We had lazy mornings, which are literally my favourite thing about the holidays. When it was time for the girls to go back to school they were ready […]

My Girls…July 2019

I am feeling really emotional about both my girls at the moment. As we are in the last week of the school term, which will see Holly finish her first year at school and see Alice finish her time at the infants school. It only seemed like yesterday I was dropping Holly off at school […]

My Girls…July 2020

Here I am writing my monthly post about the girls, with a week left of the school year. Holly is still at school and she loves it. Life for her has pretty much retuned to normal. Her week days at school, and her weekends with us. Yes, our weekends look a little bit different, but […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…May 2019

May you’re one of my favourite months, mainly because you give us two bank holidays. Which means more time as a family. But also because I love the bluebells that arrive. We saw lots of spanish bluebells this month, especially on our walk to school. It’s felt like May was the weeks leading us from […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…May 2020

I can’t believe it’s been a month since I wrote my last post. We are coming to the end of week 11 of lockdown, and whilst some of the lockdown rules have been relaxed. Life still feels the same for us. We’ve had another whole month of the girls being home from school and Andy […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…November 2019

I’m late writing this post because last week was a right off, after Alice caught the sickness bug from Holly and then I caught it. It completely wiped me out and I only started to feel better at the weekend. It’s been a pretty full on month. Its one of the busiest times at the […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…January 2018

My first me and mine post for 2018 and I can’t wait to have another year of family photos to look back on. This is by far one of the best things that blogging has given me, to have all these photos of the 4 of us is priceless. January has been a slower month […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2019

Well April you were a pretty lovely month! The girls had two and half weeks off school and it was my favourite holiday yet. It felt like the whole of April was either waiting for the holidays to arrive on the 5th April, it was the actual holidays, or the last few days of April […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2020

I’m a few days late posting my Me and Mine post for April, but I wanted to make sure I did write it as April has been like no other month we’ve ever experienced. We’re now six weeks into lockdown and that means we spent the whole of April in lockdown. All together in our […]