Me and Mine A Family Project…June 2020

Another month has passed and we still find ourselves in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Last week we hot 100 days in lockdown, which is unbelievable! Things did change for us slightly as a family in June, as on the 4th June Holly returned to school. It was a decision that we agonised over […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2019

Well April you were a pretty lovely month! The girls had two and half weeks off school and it was my favourite holiday yet. It felt like the whole of April was either waiting for the holidays to arrive on the 5th April, it was the actual holidays, or the last few days of April […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2020

I’m a few days late posting my Me and Mine post for April, but I wanted to make sure I did write it as April has been like no other month we’ve ever experienced. We’re now six weeks into lockdown and that means we spent the whole of April in lockdown. All together in our […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…August 2020

It’s been another crazy August, with all the birthdays and probably the most stressful. Mainly because the girls weren’t able to have parties with their friends, I really wanted them to be able to have the best birthday, even more than normal. If you know what I mean. Before the birthday train started, we first […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…December 2019

Goodbye 2019…What a year its been. We’ve just celebrated our fourth Christmas in our new home, and that seems crazy. It only seems like yesterday we moved in. We still love living here and its definitely home. It was the year that Alice said goodbye to the infant school and join the juniors. I’m pleased […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…December 2019

Goodbye 2019…What a year its been. We’ve just celebrated our fourth Christmas in our new home, and that seems crazy. It only seems like yesterday we moved in. We still love living here and its definitely home. It was the year that Alice said goodbye to the infant school and join the juniors. I’m pleased […]

Me and Mine A Family Project…January 2020

We’ve reached the end of January and I couldn’t be happier. Its felt like a long wet month and I’ve struggled to get back into the swing of things since Christmas. It feels like every school pick up has been a wet one, and if its not been raining then its been freezing cold. I […]

Half Term Fun!

It was half term last week and we were really lucky to have some gorgeous weather. We deserved it after weeks of rain. We spent a lovely week together and for a change it didn’t flyby. We even got the pool out in the garden! Here are a few photos from our week.

Half Term Fun!

It was half term last week and we were really lucky to have some gorgeous weather. We deserved it after weeks of rain. We spent a lovely week together and for a change it didn’t flyby. We even got the pool out in the garden! Here are a few photos from our week.

Easter Holidays 2021…

The Easter holidays this year were very different. We weren’t in complete lockdown like that Easter, but we were still restricted with what we could do. We are currently only able to see either 6 people or 2 households and we can only meet outdoors. This means we are very reliant on nice dry weather […]