Dear Alice…The End Of Year Three!

To My Beautiful Alice, Your first year at the juniors school is over and what a year it has been. Looking back at September, we had no idea how this year would unfold and that you would end year three, at home being taught by me. I remember your first day, when we walked to […]

Dear Alice…The End of Year Two and Goodbye To The Infants!

To My Beautiful Alice, I can’t believe we’re here, three wonderful years at the infant school is over. It was an emotional start to school for us all, as we made the decision to send you to a school where you didn’t know anyone and I was nervous for you. But I just had a […]

Dear Alice…Your First Day At The Juniors!

To My Beautiful Alice, We’ve had an amazing summer together. The summer that you turned seven and just when I thought you couldn’t be any more amazing, you are. I worried that turning seven was going to bring attitude, but it hasn’t. Instead you’ve grown up right in front of my eyes. You’re even more […]

Dear Alice…Your First Day At The Juniors!

To My Beautiful Alice, We’ve had an amazing summer together. The summer that you turned seven and just when I thought you couldn’t be any more amazing, you are. I worried that turning seven was going to bring attitude, but it hasn’t. Instead you’ve grown up right in front of my eyes. You’re even more […]

Dear Holly…Now You’re Seven!

To My gorgeous Holly, I am only just getting over you leaving the Infant School and now here we are celebrating your 7th birthday. It definitely feels like the days are long, but the years are short. It’s been another big year for you and we couldn’t be prouder of you. The way you take […]

Dear Holly…The End Of Reception Year!

To My Gorgeous Holly, I can’t believe I’m sitting down to write this to you, how is it possible that next week you finish your first year at school. It only seems like yesterday that I let go of your hand, as you walked into school on your first day back in September. I think […]

Dear Holly…The End Of Reception Year!

To My Gorgeous Holly, I can’t believe I’m sitting down to write this to you, how is it possible that next week you finish your first year at school. It only seems like yesterday that I let go of your hand, as you walked into school on your first day back in September. I think […]

A Snowy Day…

On Sunday we woke up to snow and the girls squealed with excitement when they saw it. It was lovely to see them excitement and it was just what we needed. After weeks and weeks of the same walks, and the weekends feeling like the same. It was nice to have something different to do […]