A Trip To…Bourton-On-The-Water, Cotswold

  At the end of half term the weather was gorgeous and we were looking for a day out. It was a Sunday and we thought it would be nice to go and have a wander around somewhere, have some lunch and nothing too adventurous. We decided to go to Bourton-on-the-water which is a beautiful […]

A Half Term Stay At Langstone Cliff Hotel, South Devon…

The girls were on half term last week and Andy had the week off too. It’s the first time Andy has been off work the whole time the girls have been and it was really lovely. We were invited to stay at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, which is in Dawlish Warren. The girls had not […]

A Day Out To Beaulieu in Hampshire…

Our last day out before we went into lockdown last March, was to Beaulieu in Hampshire, for the grand opening of Little Beaulieu. We had a wonderful time and throughout lockdown, I looked back on this day with fondness of our last taste of normality. A couple of weeks ago Beaulieu re-opened and we were […]