To My Beautiful Alice,
We’ve had an amazing summer together. The summer that you turned seven and just when I thought you couldn’t be any more amazing, you are. I worried that turning seven was going to bring attitude, but it hasn’t. Instead you’ve grown up right in front of my eyes. You’re even more politer than you were, if that is even possible. You seem have more awareness of what people are doing around you, and instead of asking me to do something straight away, you recognise that I’m busy and ask if I will do once I’ve finished.
Anyway I digress! As our summer comes to an end, it is time for you to start the next chapter in your school journey as you head to the juniors school. I honestly can’t believe this day has arrived. You’re the most excited I’ve ever seen you about school, and you’ve always loved school. You have an extra spring in your step when you talk about it. I think its because at the juniors you’re treated more like a grown up. You get a locker, you can take a pencil case in, you wear trainers in PE and you can take money in to buy a snack. All these things mean so much to you.
It’s going to be a big change for us. I know that I won’t be as involved as I was at the infant school, as the school won’t need parent helpers as often due to you being older. I know that this world will become even more of a mystery to me, as I will only get the snippets that you tell me about at the end of each day.
It also means, two school drops off for me and I know that little Holly is going to find it hard waving you off at the juniors before I walk her up to the infant school. She is going to miss seeing you every day at school, but you’ve already told her that you will give her an extra big cuddle when we come and pick you up.
Its a new school for us all to learn about, to understand how everything works. But I know that soon it will be a second home to us, just like the infants. A school that I will be coming to for the next six years.
I know that I don’t need to worry about you working hard. That is something that you’ve always done and I know that you will continue to do. I can’t wait for you to show the teachers what a kind, caring and lovely pupil you are to have in their class.
I will miss you so much. This summer has been one of my favourites and I will be counting down the weeks until half term.
Enjoy your first day at the juniors and I can’t wait to see that big smile at the end of the day.
Love you always