Dear Alice…Now You’re Eight!

To My Beautiful Alice,

Wow! You’re 8 years old today and I literally have no words. I’ve gone to write this letter to you several times this week, and I get emotional just thinking about it. I feel like the years are running past me, and I can’t keep up.

What a year its been for you. One that you will hopefully never experience again in your lifetime. We saw you start the junior school, and you loved it from day one. You quickly settled into your new surroundings and you loved your new teacher. The juniors has been amazing for you, we saw you step up and we’re so proud of all your achievements.

Five months ago, all our lives changed in a way that we had never experienced before. All the schools were closed and the country was put into lockdown, as Coronavirus took over the world. I’m amazed at how well you adapted to the changes, you never got angry or questioned why we couldn’t go anywhere. We explained what was happening and you just accepted it.

It hasn’t been easy, there have been moments when you have struggled and we have seen a change in you. But you’re still our gorgeous, kind girl who we adore.

You’ve always adored Holly, as you two are the best sisters. I didn’t think you could get any closer, but lockdown as definitely brought you even closer together. You became each others best friends, as well as sisters. I love how much you tow love each other.

You still love an adventure and enjoy our days out. You still ask us a hundred questions about wherever we are. You’re always wanting to learn about where we are. We saw it again at our recent trip to St Michaels Mount last week.

At the start of the year, we booked tickets to visit Highclere Castle on your birthday today. When we had visited previously it was only to see the grounds and you would love to see inside. Highclere Castle only let visitors in a few days a year and you were very excited when one of those days was your birthday. I was worried at one point, as to whether we would be able to go or not and I’m really pleased that we are able to take you still. It will be lovely to see your wish come true.

I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring you, I’m still struggling with the fact I will have an 8 year old daughter. Whatever happens, never change my gorgeous girl. I can’t wait to stand by your side for another year.

Love you always




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