Dear Alice…The End Of Year One!

To My Beautiful Alice,

I can’t believe I’m sat here writing about the end of year one, it only seems like yesterday that you were my little four year old excited for her first day at school and now here we are two years later, with two years of school done.

What a year it has been for you and I know it’s a cliche to say, but I’m honestly the proudest mum there is. Year one hasn’t been the easiest of years, not that you would know, as we never told you. Instead we encouraged you, we praised you and we helped you to achieve everything that you’ve achieved.

But it was you that did it.

It was you that went up 5 reading levels in a year, it was you that went up 3 numeracy levels since January and you’ve amazed us all with your hard work and determination.

What I love, is that I never have to tell you to do your reading or numeracy homework, you want to do it. You do more than you need to do and I’m forever writing out more sums for you. You love to write and you are often sat in a corner with your notebook and pen writing little stories.

You’ve achieved more than we could’ve hoped for and we couldn’t be more proud of you if we tried.

And whilst all the above is brilliant and important. What I love more than anything is the little girl you’ve become, the friendships that you’ve made and I could only wish to be more like you.

When you started school you didn’t know anyone, now you know the whole school and more importantly they know you. You have a lovely group of friends and there hasn’t been a single day that you’ve come home telling me that you’ve fallen out with someone, or someone was unkind to you. Your friendship group is quite simply a beautiful group of girls and I couldn’t be happier.

Well done my beautiful girl you’ve finished year one on a high and your school report was a joy to read, excelling everywhere. Now lets enjoy our summer of fun, before your little sister joins you at school in September, where I know you are going to be amazing at looking after year. Plus you will smash year two!

Love you always and forever


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