Dear Alice…The End of Year Two and Goodbye To The Infants!

To My Beautiful Alice,

I can’t believe we’re here, three wonderful years at the infant school is over. It was an emotional start to school for us all, as we made the decision to send you to a school where you didn’t know anyone and I was nervous for you. But I just had a good feeling that this was the right school for you. Now three years later I will always be glad I took that gamble and it paid off. Not only have you never shown any signs of being nervous at starting school, you made friends quickly and I have never regretted making this choice for both my girls.

The school was perfect for you and to see you grow over the last three years has been wonderful and amazing to see. The friendships you’ve made is what stands out the most for me. We’re so lucky to have such a wonderful group of girls in your class and to see you all together, looking out for each other and having fun too. Its just brilliant.

You brought home your year one books last week and its only when looking through them, you can see how much you’ve learnt, how much your handwriting has come on. You’ve worked so hard over the last two years and we couldn’t have asked any more from you. And its paid off. You’re leaving year two exactly where you need to be and more. I’m so proud of you and everything that you’ve achieved.

As I’m writing this I’ve just got back from your last school assembly and I got to see you receive a head teachers award for exceptional behaviour throughout the year. I couldn’t have been prouder of you. What a wonderful award to receive.

Its now time to say goodbye to your brilliant teacher, who you’ve had for the last two years and who we can’t thank enough for everything she has done for you. You will also say goodbye to your brilliant school, a place that has seen you grow over the last three years.

You’re so excited about going to the juniors school with all your friends. You’re not nervous at all, at the moment anyway, and I know that you’re going to be amazing there too.

Well done my beautiful girl. Now lets put that uniform and bag away and have an amazing summer together.

Love you always

Mummy xxx

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