Dear Bear and Beany Is Two And A Little Blog Refresh…

I can’t actually believe that my little bit of the internet is 2 years old today. It’s like having a baby and saying it’s gone so fast!! But the truth is, it has. Last year I’m sure was the fastest year in the history of time, it just whizzed by.

Blogging is definitely a rollercoaster and it has it’s ups and downs. It’s constant, there really is no time that you can slow down. The online world doesn’t switch off and that makes it hard for me to switch off. Social media doesn’t stop and you feel the pressure to be everywhere, all the time. It can be too much at times.

When I started my blog, there was no plan except to write letters to my girls. To capture moments of their childhood that I didn’t want to forget. My first year of blogging was eye opening, a big learning curve and I wondered what world I had stumbled into.

The start of last year, after having a little break while we moved house and it was Christmas, I found it hard to find motivation to get back into it. But my love for my blog was still strong and I was soon back into the swing of it. It’s been a year where I feel like I’ve not really known what direction I’m going in, I’ve been really fortunate to have brands wanting to work with me. Which I still find a bit surreal and strange, but pretty amazing too. But I found I was just being reactive and not really thinking about what I wanted to do with my blog.

I still adore blogging, it’s part of my life, part of who I am and I can’t ever see a time that it won’t be in my life. It’s given my family experiences that we otherwise wouldn’t have had and I’m truly grateful for that.

I love the freedom it gives me to write whatever I choose to write. I think about it all the time, there is rarely a moment when it’s not there in the back of mind. I half write posts in my head while in the shower and then promptly forget them by the time I get out, spending the whole kicking myself that I can’t remember that amazing post (it wasn’t, but it always feels that way).


One of the best things that blogging has given me is some amazing friends, friends that I chat to all day every day, friends that I meet up with for a chat and a coffee and friends that will always stay online because you know geography and all that makes it hard.

Towards the end of last year I started to feel a bit stagnated, a little lost with what my blog was, what I wanted it to be and in the run up to Christmas it was busy too. In the back of my mind I knew that I needed to do something new, something different.

I started to think about when Holly starts school in September (sob!). I also started to think that I wanted to share more of me on here, the things that I love and that I’m passionate about. Which led to a lot of planning and a new notebook, of course!

Over the last few weeks I’ve used the quiet period that Christmas brings to make some changes to my blog design. The eagle-eyed people amongst you may have noticed some of them appear over the last couple of weeks. It’s just a few tweaks and changing how my front page looks. I still have some more changes that I want to make, but there are just not enough hours to get it all done. Even with me staying up late working on it, but I will get it done over the next week.

And what does 2018 look like for me and my third baby? You can expect a lot of the same, but with new features too. There will be more posts about me and what I love. This year we’re also starting work on decorating our house and I honestly can’t wait.

I love nothing more than browsing the internet looking for the right piece of furniture or accessory for a room. I will be sharing these changes with you all on here. These are some of my favourite posts to read and I thought it was about time I shared our home too.

I’m excited to see what 2018 will bring and I can’t wait to get on with all my plans. I feel like I have so much that I want to do and I just need to get it all organised and in place.

Happy Birthday Dear Bear and Beany, thank you for the last two years and lets see where this next year takes us!


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