Dear Holly…The Start Of Year One!

To My Gorgeous Holly,

How has it been a whole year since you started school? I can’t believe that you’re about to start year one and now a big girl, as you keep telling me. When school finished in July, I remember looking at you and thinking you don’t look old enough to start year one. But here we are nearly seven weeks later and you’ve grown up SO much this summer. In fact you do every summer!

We saw you turn five and you’ve definitely had a growth spurt. But you look different facially too and I know that you’re ready for year one. It’s going to bring changes for you, and more sit down classroom learning and I’m not too sure how much you will like it. You’re definitely going to miss crafting everyday, like you did in year R. I won’t miss all the recycling 🙂

When I asked you if you’re excited about going back to school, you said yes because she you get to see your best friend everyday, I hope your new teacher is ready for you both 🙂

Its also going to a big change for you because Alice isn’t going to be there and you don’t know school, without Alice. But I think it will be good for you. To not just be Alice’s little sister. To have Alice and her friends mother you. It’s your time to be Holly! To make your own mark and not rely on Alice.

After an amazing summer with you my gorgeous girl, I am going to miss you so much. Your little smile, your cheeky laugh and the fun you bring everyday. I will miss your lie-ins, which means I get to lie in bed too! I will never get used to you being at school and will always wish you were home with me. But I know that you’re going to be amazing in year one!

Have a fab day with all your friends and being cheeky to your teacher. I can’t wait to feel your little hand in mine, as we make our new daily walk down to pick Alice up from the juniors.

Love you my gorgeous girl




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