Dear Holly…The End Of Reception Year!

To My Gorgeous Holly,

I can’t believe I’m sitting down to write this to you, how is it possible that next week you finish your first year at school. It only seems like yesterday that I let go of your hand, as you walked into school on your first day back in September.

I think both of us have found it hard with you being at school every day. Whilst you love it, bounce in everyday and have made some wonderful friends. I know that you would also love to be home with Mummy. When you are home you don’t leave my side, you’re my little shadow and during the holidays we fall back into the routine we had before school.

Its no secret that I’ve missed you every single day and that I would do anything to have you home with me. But I also couldn’t be prouder of the little girl you’ve become. To spread your wings and have the opportunity to do new things that only school can bring you.

I know having your big sister at school with you has definitely helped you settle in. Hearing you chat together on the way home about things that you did together at lunchtime, melts my heart. Its going to be a big change for you in September not having Alice there with you, but I think that once we’re over the hurdle of you getting used to it, it will be good for you. To be known as Holly, and not Alice’s little sister.

I was worried that school was going to change you. Since the day you were born, you haven’t stopped smiling. You go through life without a care in the world, take anything that is thrown at you in your stride. There was a time at the start of the year, that I thought I was loosing this part of you. But thankfully once you settled in, the Holly that we know and love came back and the teachers saw the real Holly. Every time I speak to them, they always comment on what a happy smiley girl you are. Its written all over your report.

As we say goodbye to your first year school and hello to the summer holidays, I can’t wait to spend every day with you. You light up my life and its going to be the best summer yet. We’ve got your fifth birthday to celebrate and a lovely family holiday to enjoy.

Well done my gorgeous girl, you smashed year R!

Love you always

Mummy xxxx



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