Living Arrows 18/52 {2020}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

by Kahlil Gibran

Last week it rained most days, but thankfully it stopped at the weekend. It definitely made the week harder, not being able to spend the afternoons in the garden. There were a lot of emotions from the girls, especially Alice. We spent the week doing a lot of crafts, baking and jigsaws once we had finished school work for the day.

We had some wet walks and we were grateful to have dry weather over the weekend. We live 2 minutes walk from a woods and its always nice to take a walk through it. There are different routes and it makes me forget about everything, as its so normal that we love to do. I took this photo of the girls and I think their dress sense, shows how mixed the weather has been lately. Not really knowing what to wear 🙂


Living Arrows

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