Living Arrows 39/52 {2017}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

by Kahlil Gibran

Last week Holly and I headed over to the lovely Katy’s house for a Toy Story party for her son. Holly had such a lovely time and they were all really sweet together. Katy took this photo of my little Holly and I just love her little face in it.

This photo of Alice sums up her week. She has been really tired and has fallen asleep within minutes of going to bed. I took this photo on Thursday night, she had been to Rainbows and she came home exhausted. I often battle with myself over her doing things after school or not, but she is always so desperate to do them and has so much fun. This week they did gardening and she planted some bulbs in some pots.




Living Arrows

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