Living Arrows 47/52 {2019}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

by Kahlil Gibran

Last week Holly was poorly, thankfully it was a quick bug and she wasn’t poorly for long. But the school rules meant she had to have an extra day off. Which was like a bonus day with Holly for me. This little girl is quickly growing up and she makes me laugh a lot. At the moment, the girls are obsessed with putting lip balm on because of dry lips from the cold. I caught her doing it, and love this photo of her smiling at herself. When did she grow up!!

Because Holly was poorly, Alice came home from school and put her pyjamas on to be like her sister. She sang us some songs from her Christmas show. She asked me to take this photo, no idea why. It’s not the best quality photo, a quick snap. But I love it!


Living Arrows

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