Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2019

Well April you were a pretty lovely month! The girls had two and half weeks off school and it was my favourite holiday yet. It felt like the whole of April was either waiting for the holidays to arrive on the 5th April, it was the actual holidays, or the last few days of April recovering from the holidays. And of course it was filled with chocolate!

The first week of the holidays it was just the girls and I and we had a lovely week together. The weather wasn’t too bad and we managed to catch up with friends and family, whilst also having some chilled time at home. The girls were exhausted by the time the holidays arrived and it was good to use the first week to relax and unwind a bit. Plus they do miss just being at home, especially Holly who loves to sit and play with her toys.

It was also a first for us, with Holly being invited to spend the day with her best friends family for her friends birthday. She was so excited and had a wonderful time with them. This gave us time with just Alice, which we never get and we decided to use the voucher Alice got for Christmas to do Go Ape. As it was something that Holly didn’t want to do. It was lovely to spend time with Alice, she is at such a great age and is the best company.

The second week of the holidays Andy was home too and it was lovely to spend time all together. We had some days at home, shopping days and a trip to Marwell Zoo. The weather was amazing and it was nice to have some sunshine. Life definitely seems a little bit easier and everyone is a little bit happier when the sun shines.

It was strange having Easter at the end of the holidays, it felt like we were waiting for it to arrive. But when it did, it was really lovely. We had a couple of days out, seeing my cousin and her family which was lovely. Then heading to Mottisfont on Easter Sunday to do an egg hunt with my family, which was a great day out.

My photos this month were taken at the beginning of April, we had gone for a walk in the woods. The bluebells were just starting to appear, but not enough for a photo opportunity. Which means we will be heading back to get them!

What I love the most about these photos is that you can totally see the girls different personalities. Alice’s face just lights up when she smiles and Holly’s little cheeky smile, makes me laugh.

Thank you April for being amazing. Let’s hope May arrives with the sunshine back!

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