Me and Mine A Family Project…April 2020

I’m a few days late posting my Me and Mine post for April, but I wanted to make sure I did write it as April has been like no other month we’ve ever experienced.

We’re now six weeks into lockdown and that means we spent the whole of April in lockdown. All together in our home, all day long, with the exception of our daily exercise trip out. Whilst the reasons why we are together like this, are for the worst reasons possible, the one positive from it, is us having this time together as a family.

To have home for every meal of the day, to have the girls home with me, all day every day. It’s definitely brought us even closer together, if that was even possible, as we were already a close family. Yes, the squabble and yes, Andy annoys me and I’m sure I annoy him too. But, it’s definitely made we realise that I married the right man. We’re even more of a team.

Homeschooling is hard work, at there are times when the girls don’t want to do it, especially on Mondays! But, we’ve found a routine that seems to work for us all and the girls are doing brilliantly. We can only do what we can do, as I’m not a teacher. Alice is brilliant at also helping Holly, as she remembers a lot of what Holly has to do and can show we the best way to teach her.

The girls are loving this bonus time together. They talk all the time about how great it is they can be at ‘school’ together again and in the same ‘class’, its very cute. They have their moments and squabbles, but on the whole they are brilliant together. Finding games to play together and putting on dances for me. I love to see them together.

Whilst its a scary time, and I worry a lot. There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight and I think that is the hardest part. I am loving us being together in a way that we will never have again. Finding new ways to be together and I love that.

I don’t have many photos of us all together, as I’ve only taken a couple of selfies on our walks. But I will treasure them just the same.

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