Me and Mine A Family Project…August 2020

It’s been another crazy August, with all the birthdays and probably the most stressful. Mainly because the girls weren’t able to have parties with their friends, I really wanted them to be able to have the best birthday, even more than normal. If you know what I mean.

Before the birthday train started, we first enjoyed our family holiday to Cornwall at the start of the month. I’m really grateful that we were able to go away and have this time together. We were lucky to go to a quiet part of Cornwall and were able to enjoy ourselves, whilst feeling safe and keeping our distance from others.

It gave us a chance after a difficult time in lockdown, to forget about the craziness of home schooling, the pressures of all being in the same house for so long and give Andy a much needed break from work. We were really lucky with the weather and only had one afternoon of rain. We enjoyed days out to St Michaels Mount and Lappa Valley. Plus lots of days on the beach, where the girls learnt body boarding for the first time. We ate far too many ice creams and had fish and chips on the beach. It was the perfect holiday.

Two days after we came home, it was Alice’s 8th birthday which we spent at Highclere Castle and I was really pleased we were able to go. Then it was Andy’s birthday, which was very low key as he was working and then it was Holly’s 6th birthday and we spent the day at the beach.

It was as always a busy ten days, filled with lots of cake and lots of love. But I do love the family time it gives us every year. We now have the rest of this week together, before the girls go back to school next week.

My photos were taken in Cornwall. We had fish and chips on the beach and I balanced my camera on my chair. I adore these photos and I have printed them off and put in frames for our landing area.

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