Me and Mine A Family Project…January 2018

My first me and mine post for 2018 and I can’t wait to have another year of family photos to look back on. This is by far one of the best things that blogging has given me, to have all these photos of the 4 of us is priceless.

January has been a slower month for us and a much needed one. It’s been nice to not have too many plans at the weekends and going with the flow a bit more. I know that just around the corner we’ve got lots of adventures planned for this year and whilst I can’t wait for them all, I’m going to make the most of this last weekend of no plans.

The weekends have been spent teaching Alice to ride her bike, which she has loved doing and anytime it stops raining she heads outside with Andy to have a practise. I’m sure it won’t be long before she is whizzing around the neighbourhood.

We’ve been taking full advantage of the lovely woods we have right on our doorstep and most weekends we’ve headed there for a walk. This is where our photos were taken this month and I was organised and got them a couple of weeks ago. Is this a sign of what 2018 is going to like. Probably not, but I will take the first month!

We explored a different part of the woods, getting braver that we won’t get lost (yet) and we will find our way back round. With Holly only having little legs I do worry that if we go too far she will moan about walking. But to be fair to her, she doesn’t very often ask to go on daddy’s shoulders. What would be do without a shoulder ride?

With the terrible storms we’ve had this year already a lot of trees came down and we came across where they had been clearing them all and stacking up the logs. This is made for a the perfect place for a family photo and the girls were in good spirits. In fact Alice was like a director, telling us all where we should stand and sit!

This next one was Alice’s idea of where we should sand and sit…

I love this one, Alice and Daddy with Holly getting in on the action with her stick. The stick is like a fifth member of our family when we go out on a walk!

Joining Lucy at Dear Beautiful for The Me and Mine Family Project

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