Me and Mine A Family Project…June 2020

Another month has passed and we still find ourselves in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Last week we hot 100 days in lockdown, which is unbelievable!

Things did change for us slightly as a family in June, as on the 4th June Holly returned to school. It was a decision that we agonised over for weeks, and even up to the last day I wasn’t too sure. But now a month later, I can say it was the best decision we made for us. Holly has loved being back with her friends at school, and the changes that they’ve had to make to keep her safe, she actually loves! Apparently having your own desk and getting to eat your lunch at your desk, is just the best fun ever!!!!

It’s also reassuring to know that she is back getting a education. Sadly we found out a couple of weeks ago, that Alice won’t be able to return until September and I am really sad for her. She is desperate to get back to school, which she loves. But she has been amazing at doing her school work at home, and since Holly went back it has been a lot easier just having Alice.

It’s meant that our daily routine has changed. Either Andy or I walk Holly to school and Alice likes to come with us. Alice and I then start her school work when we get back and most of the time she is really good at getting it done. We finish at lunchtime, and depending on the weather, Andy has been taking her out for a bike ride. Alice loves to be on her bike, and they will go off and do a 9 mile ride. Then it will be time to pick up Holly from school and the girls get to have the afternoon to play together.

Our house has felt a lot calmer this month. We’ve also continued to enjoy some family days out. We are only going to places that you have to pre-book and we know its not going to be busy. This month it was my birthday and Fathers Day, and we found a beach that you have to book. Which meant it wasn’t busy. We had a brilliant time and it was lovely to see the girls having fun. It felt like our normal beach days and we can’t wait to go back again.

On my birthday, we headed to a local poppy field and wow what a beautiful sight it was. The girls loved it and I took some gorgeous photos that I just adore.

As we head into July, the summer holidays are nearly upon us.

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