Me and Mine A Family Project…May 2020

I can’t believe it’s been a month since I wrote my last post. We are coming to the end of week 11 of lockdown, and whilst some of the lockdown rules have been relaxed. Life still feels the same for us.

We’ve had another whole month of the girls being home from school and Andy working from home every day. Whilst we love the weekends together, the enthusiasm of home schooling is definitely behind us. It’s becoming a lot harder to get them to do their school work and some days are better than others. I’m trying not to stress about it, and using all my negotiating skills to get them to do it.

The girls have their ups and downs with each other. Which is to be expected, their sister has become their only playmate and we’ve been in this situation for a very long time. After dinner Andy and I will take one each and spend some time with them. Not only does them give one on one time with us, it also gives them a little break from each other. This is definitely needed.

With the lockdown rules slightly relaxed, we’re now able to go out and have a picnic. We took a trip to The White Horse Hill, which we know is a large open space and we can easily social distance there. It was really lovely to get out, and do something that we would normally do. The girls loved the picnic.

Normally for my May photos for this post, we go to a bluebell woods and take the photos. Something that we’ve done for years and they are some of my favourite family photos. I had accepted that we wouldn’t get the bluebell photos this year. Then when the rules changed a couple of weeks ago and said you can travel for your daily exercise, we went to a more local woods in the hope that some bluebells would still be there.

There weren’t loads of Bluebells and you could tell we were at the end of bluebell season. But I just about managed to get some bluebells in the background of these photos. I love them, and they will always be remembered as the lockdown bluebells!

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