Me and Mine A Family Project…September 2017

Me and Mine A Family Project…September 2017

September started off well for us as we were still on our family holiday in Pembrokeshire, but that feels like a distance memory now. With Alice back to school we’ve been getting back into our routine and normal day to day life.

I’m pleased that Alice has settled in well to year one and loves her new teacher. Thankfully she has all her friends still with her, which makes such a difference to how she feels about school. She also now does gym club after school and has recently started Rainbows, which she loves.

It was so nice to see Alice learning new skills, getting involved and I love how excited she gets by it all.

My little Holly has gone back to preschool, I was worried about how she might settle in after the long summer break. But I didn’t need to worry at all, as she has gone in happily every day. Just another little sign of my baby girl growing up. We’ve also increased her hours and she now goes 2 mornings a week.

My heart aches for her, but she loves it, its great social skills and she is learning all the time. With her starting school next year, I need to start preparing her for it.

With our weeks full of school, preschool, clubs and general day to day routine we’ve been making the most of the weekends. We had our first family trip sledging which was so much fun and we’ve made the most of the dry weather when we’ve had it with family walks.

Which is where I took our photos this month. I knew I had to be super organised with them, as I was away in Manchester last weekend. The girls were up early one Sunday and we decided to go to one of our favourite places for a walk. It was quiet and you can still see the haze of the morning in our photos.

The girls were both in a fun mood and with the promise of hot chocolate and cake after our walk, what more could you want from a Sunday morning.

Here is us on an early Sunday morning in September…

When one child decides she will beat her sister to press the button the camera….she goes before we’ve taken the photo!

I love Holly’s face in this one…she spotted something on her shoe, it was only grass!!!

Joining Lucy at Dear Beautiful for The Me and Mine Project

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