Meet Snot…The Toy No-One Wanted

Meet Snot…The Toy No-One Wanted

Have you met Snot? He is the star of the new Smyth’s Toys advert this Christmas and I think that I may have a soft spot for him!

We first meet Snot when he is out in the street as the toy that no one wanted. The result of a factory mistake and is cast aside. He is found wandering the streets looking for someone to love him. Snot then walks past Smyth’s Toys and his life changes…

A 50 foot dinosaur is heading their way and Snot topples him over, saves the day and is everyone’s hero!

The girls watched the advert today and its safe to say that they are fans. Its narrated by David Walliams who of course is just hilarious and makes it even better.

Holly met Snot yesterday, when we were sent our own Snot and she loved him straight away. She did think that he was a leaf and I may not have corrected her! I will be honest and say I may not be a fan of his name. But I get that this is what kids seem to love and I probably just need to be more cool!

There is no doubt that he is no longer the toy that no one wants, as now both my girls want Snot!

He is really soft and cuddly and Holly wanted to read him a story, because she is now his mummy and she is going to take care of him. This girl melts my heart.

What I love the most about Snot, yes there is something that I love not just the girls. All profits from the sale of Snot are going to Great Ormond Street and if there was ever a reason to give a toy a home, that is a pretty good one. I ask you all to think of someone that would love Snot and give him a home, whilst supporting this fantastic cause.

You can buy Snot from Smyth’s Toys and he is priced at £9.99.

Disclosure: We were sent our Snot for the purpose of this post and I was compensated for my time. All views and opinions are my own.


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